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Viet Nam actively took part in Climate Change Conference
The annual conference of United Nations on Climate Change took place in Warsaw, Poland from November 11 to 22, 2013.

Vietnamese group participated in an activity at the conference (Source: Vietnam+)

This conference is very important in promoting to build a new international agreement which is a legal binding in facing with global climate change by 2015.

In the first week of working, a series of conferences and important sessions were taken place such as the 19th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 19), the 9th Meeting of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 9), the 39th Session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI 39), the 39th Session of the Subsidiary Body for Science and Technology (SBSTA 39)...

Speaking at the opening session on 11 November 2013 at Warsaw Stadium, Mrs. Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the Convention took the Olympic’s motto "faster, higher and stronger" to urge countries to promote the negotiation process. She also emphasized that what is happening in this stadium is not a game for the winner and loser, against all countries maybe win or fail together.

Representative of the G-77 and China stressed the devastation of the super typhoon Haiyan for countries such as the Philippines and Vietnam. They considered the countries that are less responsible for causing climate change are the most affected ones by it.

G77 and China also stressed the priority issues at the conference as the implementation’s result of previous conferences, building regulations and specific commitments on finance, considered that is the basis of any action plan to deal with climate change, and expressed a desire to reach an equal negotiation and ambition on mitigation issues, adaptation and implementation facilities.

African Group proposed a global goal in the field of adaptation to climate change. Representative of the European Union (EU) called for reaching the progress on real meaning of a new agreement and required a specific expansion time frame.

The countries also spent much time to discuss about financial measures to support the implementation of commitments on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, clean development, technology transfer...

The Philippines’ Representative thanked delegations for sharing about the great loss of life and property caused by super typhoon Haiyan and called the international community for effective measures to prevent loss, damage caused by typhoon, floods and other extreme weather incidents related to climate change. The conference also spent 3 minutes of silence for the victims of typhoon Haiyan.

Right from the first day of the conference, the Vietnamese delegation has actively participated in related activities.

Speaking at the opening session, representative of the Vietnamese delegation thanked other countries and international organizations have shared and expressed solidarity with the people of the countries who have been suffering from typhoon Haiyan’s effects.

As an ASEAN member, a neighbor that suffered from the consequences of the storm, the Government and people of Vietnam extremely sympathize and commit to have the appropriate forms of assistance to help the Philippines to overcome and get through current difficulties soon.

Vietnamese delegation stressed the happening disasters are the negative impacts of climate change and hurry countries to accelerate the negotiations’ process and reach agreements comprehensively to deal with this challenge.

Vietnamese delegation also attended and presented at the workshop discussion on the sidelines of the conference to share experiences and promote the interest of the international community to cope with and adapt to climate change that is being deployed by Vietnam.

This delegation collaborated with the Japanese one to organize "Workshop on the operation of the common credit (JCM) and the strengthening capacity of the JCM," "Workshop prepared for the development and implementation NAMAs," "Workshop on strengthening national inventory of greenhouse gases and the support of Japan."

Representatives of the delegations attended "The 15th Meeting of the Clean Development Mechanism Forum" held by the Secretariat of the Convention.

Some delegations such as Finland and Japan contacted with Vietnamese delegation to discuss about the attention contents as the deployment common credits mechanism (JCM), the elimination of HFC in industrial production... /.

Thien My
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